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Zoleka Mandela remembers late daughter

Zoleka Mandela recently remembered her late daughter, Zenani. Zenani was killed by a drunk driver in 2010. The driver was arrested and later acquitted of all charges.

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Zoleka shares her loss with others who have lost loved ones through reckless and drunk driving.


In an Instagram post, she said: “My thoughts are with our children who have been tragically and senselessly killed on roads around the world. They are also with all who have been negatively impacted. The parents and families, who like myself – are painfully reminded each day of how the justice system has failed us.

“Although road casualties are preventable and are the leading cause of death in children. More than 500 children still die every day from road crashes globally. Our children deserve for their rights to be upheld. They deserve more protection on our roads and a collective or global effort from all to ensure their safety is prioritized each time they make use of it.”

In a different post, Zoleka talked about her late daughter’s love for collecting feathers in the garden.

“Zenani uses to love collecting feathers outside for my mother and I. I never asked her why she did that all those years, she was still with us but I get it. Sometimes I’ll be leaving the house and I’ll see a feather near the door or on my way to the car. That’s my Zenani reminding me that she’s never really left me.”

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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