Tina Jaxa assaulted by son?
Image: all4women.co.zaPopular actress Tina Jaxa was allegedly assaulted by her 19-year old son. According to The Daily Sun, the revered actress claimed her diningroom became a boxing ring when her son Leeroy, demanded money and started throwing punches at her when she refused to give him money.
The publication managed to get a hold of a recent statement, detailing what exactly happened. “The complainant Albertina Jaxa alleges that her son Leeroy Mkwaiwa pushed her around and hit her while he was swearing at her. The argument started when Leeroy demanded an amount of R400 (which) she refused to give him because he did not want to say what it was for,” she said in her statement. It further explains that Tina managed to get away after her son became more aggressive. “After he hit me, I then got a chance to run away. I don’t know what could have happened if I didn’t manage to escape.”

In the last seven months, she has opened two cases of common assault against her son at the Sophiatown police station, south of Jo’burg. She told police that this was the second time her son was hitting her, in recent months.
In her statements, Tina alleges that Leeroy, who is her son with her late husband Prosper Mkwaiwa, pushes her around and swears whenever she refuses to give him money.