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“Coming to the big city I wanted to make music that would be accepted by the suburban kids cause that’s where I lived when I came to the city but I never understood how much power I had just from me coming from the poorest parts of the country.” Cassper Nyovest opened up about his journey in music.

Refiloe Maele Phoolo, known to many as Cassper Nyovest, has risen to be one of the most sought after musicians.

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“I was never accepted by the ‘cool kids’ as they were called cause I never had the money to dress like them or drive the cars their parents borrowed them on the weekend. Plus I couldn’t rap about half the shit they spoke about cause I wasn’t that familiar with the lifestyle.”

It has never been a walk in the park for this musician who started out quite literally, without anything.

“I then started rapping about my reality and how much I wanted to live like the upper class. That message was so simple yet so strong cause all we want to do is improve as people.”

Having grown up in Mafikeng, Nyovest attended Sol Plaatje secondary School. He started rapping when he was in grade 6, and after failing exams in grade 10, he moved to his grandmother’s house and decided to drop out of high school the following year. “I told my parents that I’d rather chase my dream, which I believe is going to work out, rather than keeping it safe and regretting it my whole life.”

His debut album, Tsholofelo, was released in July, 2014.

“Fast forward I meet an artist in Venda by the name of Patrice who made a statue of me from Clay. That shit is priceless and it says to me ‘Carry on, you bring us hope.’ I was mad touched by this Gift. I appreciate all the love from my fans…”

Cassper is currently signed to his own independent label and media company, Family Tree. He will also be hosting a concert, dubbed #FillUpFnbStadium on the 2nd of December this year.

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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