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Russell Crowe finalizes divorce after auctioning his stuff

On his 54th birthday and wedding anniversary, Russell Crowe held an auction titled The Art of Divorce.

The auction was a celebration of his divorce from his wife of 15 years, Danielle Spencer.

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From the five-hour auction, Crowe earned AU$3.7m, with potential sales worth AU$350,000 still under negotiation.

“A bunch of stuff I didn’t really want to sell coming home… Not a bad hourly rate for a 5 hour shift,” he tweeted.

On Monday, Crowe announced that he was now legally divorced.

“In other news… Yesterday, April 9th, 2018 at 12:30pm Eastern Daylight time (Aus)… I officially became divorced. Thank you linesman. Thank you ball boys.”

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Purity Lisa

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