Mo on his wife’s role in his life
Mo has not always been a confident man. But thanks to his wife Mome, he has worked on his insecurities.
In a recent interview, Mo revealed his challenges, which include a lack of willpower.
“I did a SWOT analysis of myself and my main problem is willpower. Sometimes willpower is not something everyone is born with, it’s something that you exercise and you make strong. My thing is that I seek validation all the time, I always seek validation from my wife or my peers and from fans.”
In order to feel in control, he speaks to his wife, especially before a performance.
“So I do need my wife all the time before I come to a joint I talk to her. I ask her if she’s sure if I can do this thing and she calms me down and informs me that I can do it and that I’ve been doing this for a long time. So when I get that validation and encouragement from her I feel ok, I feel like I can go in and do it. Not everyone has got that natural confidence. Sometimes you need that person who’s going to be there and activate it for you. And she’s my confidence activator,” said Mo.