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Listen: Prince Kaybee releases touching tribute to HHP

Prince Kaybee has released a touching tribute song to HHP. This song was supposed to feature HHP, and was released on Tuesday after his memorial service.

It is an instrumental song that almost feels incomplete without vocals. It is however quite touching.

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Prince says he had made the beat and sent it to HHP just after he had heard him (HHP), drop a freestyle beat.

“HHP has always been a personal favourite of mine. No one in hip-hop can do the things he did. I called him up and he had no problems with jumping on the track. I sent him the beat to jump on and he said he was working on it. We were planning for him to come down to Durban to record but he was always traveling.”



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Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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