Khanyi Mbau features in Distruction Boyz new single (Video)
Well its seem we have to no longer wait for the music video of the Distruction Boyz new single.
Distruction Boyz had earlier posted a statement saying they had to delay the release of the video .
Here is the Distruction Boyz statement
We would like to apologize to all the fans and supporters but it is with great sadness that the music video will have another delay again and will not come out today as scheduled.
Reason being KHANYI MBAU is complaining that the video does not represent her looks accordingly. She complained about have shades being TOO DARK and this conflicts with her brands that sponsor her looks. To be honest we feel like she looks very pretty in the original shade used by video editors.
We respect her decision of sending the video back to editors because we understand she’s a very premium brand and her image is very important to her.
The only problem is time, already the video is super late and people are running out of patience because of the popularity of the song. We are losing out of airplay and TV channels are fighting with us. If we could reshoot the video, we would but we cant because Khanyi Mbau is one of the highlights.
Only God knows konke kusezandleni zakhe?
?? #AnotherDelay#AnotherWeekNoVideo #YellowboneProblems #OmunyeVideo