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Emtee reveals his desire to marry his baby mama

Rapper Mthembeni “Emtee” Ndevu (25) and his partner Nicole Chinsamy (22welcomed their second baby boy, Logan, on 30 January.

In a recent interview with DRUM magazine Nicole shared how shocked she was when she first found out she was pregnant with her second child. “I was shocked because I’m still studying and the pregnancy wasn’t planned.” She’s in her second year of studying fashion design at Sew Africa.

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In contrast Emtee was ecstatic to find out he was to father another child. Unlike with their first child Avery (2), where Emtee felt unprepared for fatherhood, the Manando singer says he was happy and ready for their second born. “I was ready this time. Then, I didn’t know how it was going to end up,” he recalls. “I pushed myself knowing there is someone to take care of.”

The couple has been together close to six years and describes their first meeting as “love at first sight”.

“We met through a friend. Unlike the other guys, he wasn’t pretending to be something he was not,” Nicole said. “He didn’t have much at the time [but] I fell in love with him. It really was love at first sight.”

The attraction was mutual as Emtee couldn’t stop thinking about Nicole. “She wasn’t like any of the other girls. She was reserved and the amount of cultural diversity she has grown up under also attracted me.” Nicole’s mother is coloured and her father is Indian. “She is Mandela’s dream, a rainbow nation.”

Emtee added that he would like to marry Nicole sooner rather than later but she wants to complete her studies and start a business before they can walk down the aisle.

About this writer:

Molly Mwangi

Lover of Life

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