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Is this the death of Mabala Noise?

Ever since Nasty C’s quiet exit from record label Mabala Noise, there has been speculation that it is on its way to its slow death. This is also after Reggie Nkabinde joined politics and consequently left the record label.

Isolezwe recently reported that Reggie left the label at the beginning of the year and was in the process of disinvesting all his money from it. In the report, they also said that the company’s assets would be liquidated.

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When Nasty C left, he was joining a line of other artists such as Riky Rick, Gigi Lamayne and DJ Bongz who had left.

Here to stay

In an interview however, Mabala Noise spokesperson said the company is not going anywhere.

“There is no way that Mabala Noise is closing down. Reggie is focusing on politics,” he told the publication, before adding: “Mabala is doing good under the leadership of Sikhulile Nzuza.”

The record label has also refuted claims that Nasty C had left.


Could Mabala Noise be coming to an end?

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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