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Somizi pens open letter to newly appointed minister of police

Somizi wrote an open letter to the newly appointed minister of police. The minister, Bheki Cele, is famous for his “shoot to kill” orders.

Somizi therefore decided to address this on his Instagram account.

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Using a photo of his partner, Somizi wrote:

“Open letter to Minister Bheki Cele:
Dear minister. I write this letter with respect. With my stomach in and chest out. The man in the picture is mine neh. Uyababa shemm. In and out. And Mina I’m not gonna shoot to kill anyone trying their luck with him. But one thing I know is shud that Happen hawu I’m gonna hot porridge somebody’s face and sika them Nge razor on their face and nipples and circumcise them nge bread knife then call u to send me Uber Black to bring me to u and arrest me. Thank u. Bye.”


About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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