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Zethembiso Mdletshe wins NXT LVL

Zethembiso “Zethe” Mdletshe gave her best performance to win the first season of NXT LVL. She did this despite struggling with the pains and emotions of burying her father.

Zethe’s performance was dedicated to her father who had died several days earlier.

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“It was quite emotional but I had to switch myself off. When I went to his funeral I cried my heart out and let it all out because I didn’t want it to be a barrier to my performance. I used those emotions to help me. He loved my singing and I honestly believe that he was there to support me.”

Zethe walked away with prizes over R1-million but no recording contract. This is because she wants to take her music career in her own hands.

“Right now I am heading into studio with Euphonik to finish a song we did together on the show. I am also taking my prize money and recording an EP for release early next year. I don’t want people to forget me,” she said.

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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