Unathi Epic 40th Birthday (Pics)
Unathi is making sure to celebrate her 4oth birthday to the maximum.
Straight out of her epic vacation in Zanzibar she made sure to turn up with her friends .
She posted a series of Instagram post that showcased her having the time of her life in with her friends.
They say life begins at 40. It is my born day today. 40 years ago I was born to Sakhiwo no Nondwe who conceived me out of love. My uncle Ndabazoxolo Nkayi named me Unathi. I was the only grandchild my grandfather,Themba, named. To which he gave me the name, Fundiswa, which I use as my second name.
My grandfather was/is Themba, whose father was Dyonashe, the son of Singqe?? I know I am the answer to my forefathers dreams and prayers and I hold that with high regard. I am the mother of Sinako and Imbo Msengana who too were conceived in love with the man who remains the love of my life. I am sister to my incredible sisters, cousin-niece-aunt-granddaughter to my solid fam and friend to my absolutely crazy friends.
To ALL of you thank you for your love. To those I love, have met, never have met and possibly never will. Your love has made me the woman I am today. Thank you for your love.LOVE is a doing word❤️,She captioned one of the photos
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