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Nomzamo Mbatha thankful to God for saving sister’s life

If there is anyone who knows the pain of loss, it is Nomzamo Mbatha.

In an Instagram post, she talked about the tragedy that she was this close to facing while in Los Angeles for the BET Awards. Her sister, Wendy Mbatha, was a victim of an attempted robbery.

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Nomzamo talked of how brave her sister was in fighting the two male attackers who wanted to steal her valuables.

“Last week whilst in LA I received a voice note from my baby brother telling me that our sister had been mugged and attacked. Her car broke down at around midnight in the middle of nowhere and two guys approached. Offered to help her. Long story short, she had to wrestle for her life when the attacks came. (sic)”

She is thankful that her sister is alive.

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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