Ruto ‘Hustler number one’ fails to graduate from UON for ‘failing below standards’

Sadness has engulf the village of Kamagut, Uasin Gishu County following news that their most prominent son will not graduate from the University of Nairobi and make them proud.
The deputy president, William Ruto will not be able to graduate today on Friday because he did not meet some ‘standards’.
Ruto was expecting to be among thousands of graduates who were to be handled power to ‘read and write’ at the University of Nairobi rugby grounds and be conferred doctorate status,
The number one hustler as he fondly likes to refer to himself has been pursuing a doctor of philosophy (PHD) studies at the University of Nairobi, His thesis focused on the impact of human activities on riparian reserves at Saiwa Swamp, in Trans Nzoia County.
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Through his twitter handle the deputy president announced that he will not be graduating after failing to achieve some ‘standards’ and ‘requirements’, painfully heartbreaking kamagut residents and his followers
He also took the moment to urge all institutions of higher learning to adhere to the highest standards and only award certificates on merit.
Ruto says he hopes to graduate in December next year.
The University of Nairobi did not say why Ruto could not graduate however the university’s board of post graduate studies requires candidates for PhD to submit a research proposal showing that they are capable of carrying out original research themselves, a condition Ruto  ‘may’ have failed to meet.
Ruto may have ‘plagiarise someone else work, flunked his exams, and ultimately failed to defend his thesis’.

not graduation did not faze the deputy president that much as on Thursday he was at the Kenya Medical Training College to officiate the 83rd graduation ceremony.
Ruto will now watch as President Uhuru Kenyatta is awarded a doctorate degree on Friday, the only ‘face saving’ thing for Ruto is that an Uhuru degree is an honorary one and does not reflect any academic excellence.
Ruto enrolled for an Msc degree in 1991 but deferred his research until 2008 when he graduated with a Master’s of Science Degree in Plant Ecology.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla