Robert Alai Tears Into KTN Anchor For Religious Insensitivity: She Was Too Skimpily Dressed To interview An Imam

Ropbert Alai is known to be a man who speaks his mind and no quarters are drawn nor measure given. He takes no prisoners. And this instance is no break from his usual abbrassive self. And this time the recipient of his indignation is a KTN news anchor who goes by the name Sophia Wanuna.

And just what pray tell did the lass do to warrant his attack? she interviewed a Muslim cleric and wasn’t appropriately dressed for the occasion. and given what Islam dogma teaches about female modesty, it wouldn’t have been a stretch for the lass to get covered a little more would it?  Not according to Robert Alai.

And this is what he posted on his facebook page earlier today:




About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)