Rapper Xtatic Chronicles How She Lost Weight After Giving Birth Till She Now Has The Sexiest Body A Female kenyan Celebrity Can Boast (PHOTOS)

Xtatic is one of the few Kenyan female celebrities who take care of their bodies and the results are simply astonishing. The m other of one looks far better than some single Kenyan celebrities who have no children. What’s her secret? Dieting and excercise. They say that it takes courage and effort to forge for yourself the body type you would like aye? Well, she has paid her dues in full and the results are simply amazing.


Forget all the podgy female celebrities who want to pretend that their sexy bodies wasn’t what attracted their huge fanbase to them to begin with. Forget all the naysayers who will lie to you that men want some spare flesh on their ribs -an assertion supported by fat, misshapen men (I can just feel the political-correctness administrator cringe at this article).
This is what I am talking about:







A great body lends itself to the psyche and a woman who is proud of her body is a confident woman!

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)