Raila This…Raila That… 16 Famous Kenyans Who Bloggers And Newspaper Journalists Love Writing About. Because Their Big Names Bring Money.

Donald Trump. Barack Obama. Vladimir Putin. The Pope. The Queen. Hillary Clinton. Kim Kardashian. Rihanna. Beyonce. Taylor Swift. Katy Perry. Nicki Minaj. Mugabe…. These are some of the biggest names globally. And,day after day after day,you will see them in the news… On blogs,magazines,TV talk shows,interviews and pretty much on almost every media outlet.

Media is all about numbers. Magazines have to sell,TV shows have to be watched,News has to be catchy and blogs have to be visited. That’s basically the business of media. It’s a game of numbers… Because that’s how media producers,content creators,writers,editors,heads and bloggers make a living anyway.

And to make that money,to sell millions of newspaper copies,to attract massive blog traffic,to make those magazines fly off the shelves and to cash in on people’s desire to know,be informed or entertained,You have to leverage on the biggest names… Either in politics or Showbiz or society.

American TV magnate and Presidential hopeful Donald Trump is currently the HOTTEST thing Worldwide right now. And that’s why all media outlets and International news websites are filled with Trump,Trump and more Trump. He’s selling like hot cakes.

After Lupita won that Oscar,she was put on almost EVERY magazine cover in the globe.Editors had to sell millions of copies. And Lupita was the only way through which they could. Hell,they even put her on the revered Fashion Bible,Vogue. Boss,It’s business.

Put Raila Odinga on any newspaper headline and you’re assured of massive newspaper sales. And that’s why Kenyan newspapers would DIE if Raila actually retired. And flew off to Barbados for a 10-year hiatus.

They need Raila’s catchy name on their headlines. As that’s the ONLY way the paper will sell. Nationwide.

So who are the 20 Kenyan Famous personalities whose names attract massive attention,readership and interest? Thus boosting the media business? Check them out.


1. Raila Odinga
Oh Boy! Kenyan newspapers need Raila Odinga like Donald Trump needs a Hispanic housemaid. Check out Kenyan newspapers any day,any week… It’s always Raila this,Raila that. Without using his huge name-and ubiquitous image-on their front pages and headlines,they’re never selling a single newspaper copy. Believe me.

2. Uhuru Kenyatta
He’s the President of the Country. And one of the most popular,powerful,influential and even divisive politicians we have. He’s a huge huge name. And his name and image on the Kenyan newspapers is like Gold. Any headline on Uhuru Kenyatta will sell papers. Any day. Any week.

3. William Ruto 
Well… He’s so connected to the above two,he has to wield similar media power. But not as big. Ruto’s name is a huge catch. And you can never go wrong with a Ruto headline.

4. Mike Sonko
Nairobi’s,no,Kenya’s MOST electrifying politician. He’s ubiquitous. And seems to do all things all the time in all Counties. He’s seen as the Ultimate Kenyan Robin Hood. And as the Christ Of the Poor. Interestingly,a Mike Sonko headline on a newspaper may not really help sell the paper. Mike Sonko’s golden name only works on blogs and on social media. Still,it’s something.

5. Babu Owino
Not since the era of akina Koigi Wamwere,James Orengo and Gitobu Imanyara has a student leader evoked so much passion,excitement and national interest. Babu Owino knows how to get them. And keep them gripped. Armed with his own version of grammar,and a fire that never ebbs,Babu is a minefield. And any blogger’s/editor’s prime catch. Quite the media gem.


Vera Sidika
There’s too much going on about Vera that she’s a walking Reality Show. Kenyans love sleaze and drama and ratchetness and crazy online activities. And Vera is a perfect entertainer… Her body is an entertainment in itself. Her globetrotting ways and frequent social media fights have made her a gossip magnet. And a tabloid staple. Kenyan blogs looooove Vera Sidika. Any article about Vera is a sure win! She’ll pull in thousands and thousands of readers. And drive up the traffic higher than her bedroom charges.


Gossip Magnet Vera Sidika

7. Huddah Monroe 
Man,she’s the BOSS LADY. And the wildest woman in Kenya. Blogs survive on her. A Reality show featuring Huddah and her daily activities would sure break viewership records. Bitch is THE ENTERTAINMENT.

8. Lupita Nyongo
Truth is,she’s one of the MOST boring Kenyan celebrities. And the only reason she ever makes it to the National headlines-and numerous blog mentions-is the fact that she won that groundbreaking Oscar. Otherwise she’s still as boring as hell. And nothing in her humdrum life is worth reading about. Or getting excited over. Girl,you’re lucky.

9. Willy Paul
King Of Gospel Controversy (is there even such a title!!??) Willy Paul,hate it or love him,and in most cases you’ll hate him,is quite a pull. Both offline and online. His name draws audiences. And his life is an episode in itself. With Willy,You can never go wrong.

10. Bahati
Somehow… People care about him. He’s like a little little version of our Gospel Justin Bieber; Young,crazy,entertaining,dramatic,likable and social media savvy. No wonder he’s a Safaricom Ambassador. Surely,there’s a huge interest – and thirst-for anything Bahati. His Facebook will attest to this.


11. Robert Alai
Do I need to even explain this??!

12. Boniface Mwangi 
Any newspaper title or blog headline with a ‘Boniface Mwangi’ in it is definitely meant to win. He’s a magnet. And his social dramas are so thrilling,his controversial statements so alarming,you can’t avoid him. Or reading about him.


13. Larry Madowo

You didn’t expect to see him here,right!? Well… I work in a blog. I know his name DOES drive up readership. Luckily, he’s almost always in the news. And he’s controversial. For real. Keep it coming brother! We love to write about you. It’s fun. Haha.

14. Njoki Chege
Well…. Well… What do we have here!!? The little girl with a huge name. Perfect for business. And isn’t she toooo controversial? Even better.

15. Caroline Mutoko 
Even without her radio show,that she hosted for like 98 years,successfully and famously controversially,this ‘Queen Of Radio’ is still pulling in massive massive interests. She’s an electrifying character with quite a strong opinion on all things Kenyan and also a very stubborn,no-nonsense attitude. Sure,she’s any blogger’s muse. And any story about her will surely go big. Any day.


16. Pastor Ng’ang’a. Infact Any Kenyan Televangelist. 
Ng’ang’a is the BIGGEST of all our scandal-ridden Kenyan Televangelists. He’s the most wealthy of them all. The most fabulous,pompous and popular (Ok,with the exception of the colourful Kathy Kiuna) And that’s why his hit-and-run story generated so much national debate. That’s why local newspapers dedicated acres and acres of space to the Ng’ang’a murder story. And that’s why Nation Newspaper editors went out of their way to make Ng’ang’a the national headline for almost two weeks straight. We love dirt. And scandal. And who best to get it from than our dirty old ‘Men Of God’!!? Remember Kanyari? Our Televangelists sell papers. And break TV talk show viewership records.

Number 17? Chipukeezy 

Hahaha who am I kidding!??

Well… Those are the Top 16 names which make Kenyan newspapers,TV shows(News etc),blogs and magazines survive. Their names pull in readers. And translate to money.

Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen,Kindly stay in the news. We need you. Really.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah