Rabbit’s New Video Out. Check Out The Awesome Track “1963”Here
If I say I like Kaka Sungura a.k.a Rabbit, I wouldn’t be on a trip using his nads for locomotion. I would merely be stating facts. And fact is, Rabbit is a pretty cool dude. He recently released his brand nw track “1963”at Imax’s Arfa Afra Lounge on Sunday and even then when it was his day, he was as down to earth as a worm.
Gotta love the lad! I know my respect for him went a notch higher when he bought a street kid some snacks and even posed with him for a photograph.
Anyway, away from all that, he launched the track “1963” which features Tim Rimbui and Kanana and the video was done by Enos Olik. The track is a celebration of the milestones Kenya has achieved and it was only fitting that he drop it on such an auspicious date in the Kenyan calendar to celebrate our “mashujaa”from both past and present day Kenya.
Check the video out below and let me know what you think of it in the comment section: