“Prophet Owuor Is Nakuru’s Problem…He Leads A Cult Like That Which Led To My Mother’s Death” Boniface Mwangi Picks Fight With Prophet Owuor Ministry (Photos)
Boniface Mwangi has made a career out of picking fights and causes he feels in his own eyes affect the society.
It is worse if someone else had raised the issue though Boniface Mwangi doesn’t mind being a one man army. He has been kept busy as he walks from Kisumu to Nairobi with several others as part of the #NiYetuWalk.
However, on stopping at Nakuru he found a new cause, a foe if you like to agitate against and this time it is a member of the clergy, the enigmatic Prophet Owuor. Boniface Mwangi blames Prophet Owuor for hoodwinking his followers into cutting short their treatments to attend his ‘healing’ meetings.
Boniface Mwangi cites the example of his late mother whom he says died in similar circumstances following a cult she believed would cure her ailments and thus abandoned conventional treatment leading to her demise. Boniface has added steam to the anti-Owour brigade but the is sure to face lots of flak from the multitudes of his congregation. Here is what Boniface Mwangi said about Owuor.