Proof that Eric Omondi and his fiance staged the Valentine’s day suprise gift
Sometimes it is very important to pay attention to the small details in a video before sharing it to avoid looking silly.
Well, I am saying this because I have reason to believe that Eric Omondi and his fiancee staged the ‘suprise’ gift she got on Valentine’s day.
The video shared by the couple shows Chantal walking in while on phone but when the person she was ‘talking’ to hangs up her phones backlight stays off. From what I know and have seen the backlight always lights up even when speaking on a whatsapp call. So does this mean she was talking to an imaginary person or the voices in her head?
I could be wrong but the broken door story also doesn’t add up in a way. I mean don’t they live under the same roof and how did the Fundi’s manage to put up the walk in closet without her knowledge?
Anyway, let me give it a rest! Watch the video below;