This primary school boy is currently trending on the internet and this is after he did this on Uhuru’s heavily guarded vehicle (photos)
President Kenyatta is currently on a tour of Nyamira County and as usual he didn’t miss the opportunity to remind us he still holds the crown in the coolness department.
Not only did he offer Nyambane, former comedian a job in the Jubilee party in the most unusual way but he also let a small primary boy sit on his car as he talked to the public.
Also read: Nyambane set to dump Kidero after getting a job from Uhuru
How that happened? We don’t know but the boy was there chilled out like it was nothing.
This is not the first time president Kenyatta pulling such a stunt having suffered public backlash some months back when photos of him dabbing in State House emerged online.
I’m curious what the haters will say after seeing this: