Prezzo Is So Broke That He Had To Relocate To His Mom’s House! But See All These Money He Still Affords To Show Off (Photo)
Who said Prezzo was broke?? The rapper still has larra money he flaunts around to frighten folks who haven’t handle such kind of guap. But not me!
There has been this unending debate on whether Prezzo really has the moola like he claims. Some folks insinuate he is just another wannabe millionaire.
Sometimes in January, it was reported Prezzo moved back to mommy’s house after he was overwhelmed by bills.
See also: Rapper Prezzo Runs Broke And Relocates To His Mother’s House
So if the ‘My City My Town’ hit maker is broke, where does he get the cash he shows off on social media?
That reminds me of 50 Cents’ case. The ninja filed for bankruptcy then some few weeks later he flaunts a new multi-million lavish home he acquired in Africa.
The same case with Prezzo, a ‘broke’ dude ostentatiously displays a million bucks! Where did he get the cash from, his rich mother?