Prezzo Aside,Here Are 8 Other Celebs Who Acted Like Madmen On A LIVE TV Show. Number 7 Broke The Studio’s Windows And Chairs,And Then Removed His Shirt!

Before rapper CMB Prezzo had the audacity of walking into the KTN studios,bungling up a coveted interview and emerging a villain,even reportedly having an armed stand-off with security after he was asked to leave the premises,flashing a gun and encouraging his posse to insubordinate,countless other celebrities had pulled similar-if not worse-stunts LIVE on air,too.

Celebrities are slippery people. You’re never quite sure what to expect from them or what stunt they have in store for you. You may think you have it all figured out and then,voila,they pull a trick from under the carpet and you’re either bewildered or irreparably mortified. And that’s the sympathetic situation Betty Kyalo was left in after Prezzo invaded her show and peed on it hard.

His mother may have rushed to apologize profusely,calling Betty frantically and attempting to assuage the situation but the ‘damage’ had been done. Prezzo,on his part,moved on with his flamboyant life and legendary arrogance as if nothing had happened. He even took time to jump onto Twitter and make it very crystal clear he was NEVER apologizing for something he didn’t know. Classic Jackson Makini.

Well,the Country seems to have healed from that fiasco. But before the wounds are totally dry,allow me to take you down memory lane. And list for you a bunch of other celebs who had a LIVE Television outburst… Celebs who lost their cool on air,acted lost and bewildering,slurred their speeches,made shocking on-air announcements and generally left the whole show,host and viewers included,in limbo.

8 Celebs Who Acted Like Madmen On A LIVE TV Show. Number 6 Broke The Studio’s Windows And Chairs.

1. Whitney Houston And Serge Gainsbourg,French TV.

When Whitney Houston met French Singer Serge Gainsbourg LIVE on TV. He said he wanted to ‘Fuck Her’. Yes,F**k her!

The year was 1986,soon after the 22-year old Whitney Houston had been discovered, and she was appearing on French TV on the popular variety show Champs-Elysées.

The show’s host, Michel Drucker, walked Whitney Houston over to meet legendary French musician and singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg who was dead drunk.

Gainsbourg,just like Prezzo to Betty,kissed her hand and told her, as she sat down next to him, “you are superb.”

Drucker repeated the compliment, adding that Gainsbourg said she is very pretty.

A slurring Gainsbourg then leaned towards Drucker and said “no, you are not Reagan, I am not Gorbachev, so don’t try.”

He then said in English, to Houston’s astonishment, “I said, I want to fuck her.”

The audience gradually started gasping as they understood what he said while Houston herself was shocked and open-mouthed.

“What did you say?” she said to him while the show’s host hurriedly tried to explain away the comment by saying Gainsbourg had wanted to offer her flowers.

“Not at all,” said Gainsbourg, before adding, this time in French, “I said I wanted to fuck her.”

“Sometimes he’s a little bit drunk you know,” said Drucker to a confused Houston.

“Yeah I know,” said Houston, who seemed to awkwardly laugh off the unwanted sexual approach.

“Are you sure you’re not drunk?” she asked him. “You’ve got to be!”

Drucker then offered him a cigarette to help him calm down. “I don’t think Whitney Houston is going to come back on Champs-Elysées” he added.

He also revealed that while Houston was professional and appeared to laugh off the encounter on TV, she found it totally unpleasant and was irritated.

“Whitney was furious. She was mad. That night I even went to her hotel with flowers to apologise.”

“That wasn’t enough though. Shortly afterwards, she told Variety magazine that she didn’t know such a programme could exist. A programme where artists can be so disrespectful and shameless.”

He was basically just another CMB Prezzo. But a more talented and legendary one. Flirting with a more famous and legendary female star.


2. Crispin Glover’s Bizzare Appearance on the David Letterman Show.

Back in 1987,a revered Hollywood actor,writer and producer named Crispin Glover appeared on The Late Show hosted by funnyman David Letterman to promote a movie. First,Crispin showed up dresses like he was going to sleep. He wore some pajamas and shows up on TV! Secondly, Crispin was high. Very high on a dangerous drug called LSD. He started slurring his speech and acting weird on the couch.

He couldn’t answer questions correctly and started mumbling silly stuff to himself. He then started talking about his martial arts training and challenged David to an arm-wrestling match. A shocked David agreed. And then,he asked David to get up and see how good he was in throwing karate kicks. And without notice,he bent over and threw a sharp and dangerous kick at David almost knocking David’s teeth off and breaking his nose. David was so angry he walked off the set and stopped the show immediately calling for a commercial break. After the break, the crazy actor was gone. And nobody talked about him ever again.


3. Pop Queen Madonna On The David Letterman Show-Again!

Looks like the drama on the David Letterman show was not going to be ending anytime soon. Again came a super famous US singer she made cursing history.

The Year is 1994 and a very crazy and weird Madonna,dressed in heavy gothic attire with lace-up knee-high boots and a large cigar, played the racy, f-bomb-dropping femme fatale as a shocked Letterman rattled through his probing questions with increasing anxiety.

So expletive-filled was their conversation, it ended up becoming the most censored interview ever to be aired on a US chatshow. She kept cursing and saying ‘Sh*t’ and ‘F**k’ so many times,the show was simply unwatchable.

Madonna also brought her panties and then gave them to David. She then asked David to smell her panties. She kept asking David to smell her panties. He refused. She insisted. He put her panties in the drawer on his table and she told him to get the panties out and smell them. Come on, David! Just smell the panties! And eat them!


4. Tom Cruise On The Oprah Winfrey Show
This is perhaps the greatest TV moment of all time. Done by the biggest star on Hollywood on the set of the biggest talk show in America hosted by the greatest TV chat show host in history.

A very much in-line Tom Cruise had been invited by Oprah to talk about a range of issues on her chat show,The Oprah Winfrey Show. Everything was going all good and giddy until he was asked about his new catch-Katie Holmes. At that moment,Cruise touched Oprah’s hands in a bid to explain just how much in love he was with Katie. He went batshit crazy. He got up,started yelling,jumping up in joy,jumped onto Oprah’s gold couch and started jumping up and down on it. Oprah watched on. Shocked to death. And speechless.

People responded. And the response was an embarrassment. While the studio audience was incredibly stoked, the viewers at home — and online — were weirded out. This display of emotion was so intense, so striking, that it rang false. Or, if not false, definitely kind of creepy. It was too much. So, the memes began.

The video is one of the most viewed Oprah moments in history. The memes and GIFs that this moment produced are uncountable and Tom Cruise has never recovered from that horrifying moment. Never!


 5. Actor Steve-O On Too Late With Adam Corolla Show

On September 26, 2005, a heavily intoxicated Steve-O appeared on Too Late with Adam Carolla. He had originally planned on getting drunk, having a policeman give him a Breathalyzer test, and then pulling a cloth out from under a table of food. Unfortunately, the plan fell through at the last second as Steve-O had already consumed a large amount of alcohol. On the show Steve-O yelled obscenities,acted all crazy,attempted to tackle the Show Host Adam Carolla,broke a glass table with his foot, inadvertently cutting his leg and bleeding allover, and then he was taken away by security at the end of the segment,yelling and cursing to himself… He would,a few years later,attempt suicide and get arrested numerously for possession of cocaine and excessive drunkenness.


6. Russell Brand On The BBC Show With Jeremy Paxman.
British Actor-slash-comedian-slash-Messiah Russell Brand,in his capacity as a man who was opposed to voting and/or registering as a voter in Britain, was invited to explain to hardened BBC Talk Show legend Jeremy Paxman why anyone should listen to a man who has never voted in his life.

“I don’t get my authority from this preexisting paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people,” Russell responded. “I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity.”

And with that, the first shots of Russell’s revolutionary interview were fired.

Over the course of the following ten-or-so minutes, Brand and Paxo volleyed back and forth over subjects ranging from political apathy, to corporate greed, to gorgeous beards.

Throughout the interview, Brand repeatedly dodged Paxman’s spirited efforts to trivialize his message — at one point an angry Paxman literally called Brand a “very trivial man” — until finally, even the entrenched newsman appeared to relent against the rushing tide of Brand’s valid arguments. Brand argued on and on and on. He didn’t seem to want to shut up. He got angry and worked up. And the show blew up in an eternal fire immortalized in a viral YouTube video.

And seriously,Russell talked on and on and on. His answers were 16 Kilometres long. He never shut his mouth. Ever! Damn!


7. Chris Brown On The Good Morning America Show
Chris had just recovered from major global backlash after beating his then-girlfriend Rihanna black and blue after a tiff enroute to the 2009 Grammy Awards.

So,Chris was basically trying to cleanse himself and atone for his sins while attempting to forget the whole Rihanna drama and restart his music career.

And on an interview on the GMA show,the pop singer flew into a maddening rage after he was questioned by TV anchor Robin Roberts live on-air about his assault on ex-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009.

When pressed about the status of the restraining order taken out against him by the pop star, he became visibly agitated and dismissed it as ‘not really a big deal for me now’.

But when Robin kept asking those Rihanna questions,Chris began to scream and later stormed off the set after which he angrily destroyed the thick window in his dressing room,kicking it and crashing it,leaving broken pieces of glass strewn across the street below.

The singer,who was now very angry then ripped his shirt off and tore it to the ground. He then confronted a segment producer in the hallway, according to ABC News.

Security were called by the hair and make-up team but Brown had already rushed out of the ABC network show’s studios in New York’s Times Square.

He even refused to perform some remaining songs for his fans gathered at the studios. And then immediately tweeted ‘I’m so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there [sic] bulls**t.’ Catch all the drama here. Bro,You don’t mess with crazy Chris.


8. Charlie Sheen On The Good Morning America Show- Yet Again!
Charlie,who made global news after coming out as HIV Positive late last year,had just been ignominiously booted out of the hit TV show Two and a Half Men and was on a dramatic charade of embarrassing himself and launching endless vengeful feuds with Chuck Lowe,his former boss.

And in the epic 2011 interview that launched 1,000 memes and entertained the Twitterverse throughout its news cycle, the off-the-rails actor appeared manic on Good Morning America, smoking cigarettes and bragging about having “Tiger Blood.” During the 2011 multi-part interview, Sheen assured everyone that he wasn’t currently on drugs and that he was “bi-winning” instead of bipolar.

The polyamorous actor also happily confessed to “banging seven gram rocks” of cocaine, and saying of less fortunate drug users (the ones that use and die), “Dying’s for fools … You should’ve read the directions before you showed up to the party.” It got messier and messier from there. He smoked even more cigarettes and said some of the craziest stuff anyone ever said on Television. Still,he stays ‘Winning’. Wow! All this while he was carrying a virus! Oh Lawd.


Betty,if you thought you had it rough,well,these TV hosts had it worse. Worse. Okay,Dennis Okari?

About this writer:

Cabu Gah