Prezzo, Abbas, Bamboo, Wyre, Juliani, Jua Cali & Madtraxx Rejoin Pilsner On Tour
Following Pilsner’s King of Bold rebranding supported by on-tour performances by the Prezzo, Abass Kubaff, Bamboo, Wyre, Juliani, Jua Cali and Madtraxx, newly launched Pilsner League of Kings Pool Challenge is replicating the experience.
The three month countrywide tournament seeks a Kenyan representative to the World Eight ball Championship in UK. It will be hosted in 820 bar outlets across five regions in the country with pomp, music and fare.
According to tournament organisers, there will be after parties hosted by popular DJ’s and possible performances by popular artistes in the regions. The regions will include Central (Nairobi); Western, Rift Valley, Mountain, Coast and the Armed Forces zone.
“We want to combine pool and music as it appeals most to our target consumer in their natural setting.” said Francis Mworia, Pilsner Brand Manager. Player registration is currently on going up to February 17 with preliminaries beginning on February 18. Read about how Ghafla! Kenya terribly lost quarter final games at the Media Pool Challege here.