President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Benefactor (The Otonglo Boy)’s Mother Among Those Hospitalised After A Wall Collapsed On Them In South B
Remember the Otonglo boy who left President Uhuru Kenyatta in stitches in 2014 with his acting prowess in drama festivals in Mombasa?
Well, the boy who the president promised to educate to University level is a sad one after rumours surfaced that his mother is among those admitted in Nairobi West hospital after a wall collapsed in South B killing 10 people and injuring many more others.
The heavy torrential rainfall pounding the bear surface of the capital has left everything sodden and weak, flooding roads due to poor drainage and bringing walls and buildings down.
The latest incident is the perishing of 10 Kenyans after a wall collapse in South B, burying anyone near it.
According to blogger Robert Alai, among those caught in the unfortunate incident is mother to Daniel Owira, famously known as the Otonglo Boy, a high school student who made headlines with his narrative Otonglo Times.
This information is yet to be confirmed but as it has been before, Alai is among the few most updated bloggers around.
He said: