Police Spokesman Littered With Blood Thrown At Him On His Fancy Uniform By Boniface Mwangi Led Protest (Photos)

A good detergent will remove the blood stains on his uniform but surely no cleanser can erase memories of what happened today from the mind of police spokesman.

#‎StopExtrajudicialKillingsprotest in Nairobi sent a strong message to police as hapless police spokesman Charles Owino came to rudely realize.

Demonstrators gathered in town in their numbers to protest against extrajudicial killings by the police. This comes after the discovery of the body of a missing human rights lawyer Willie Kimani who is believed to have been killed by the police together with his taxi driver and client.

Protesters carrying blood and coffins stormed Vigilant House to hammer the message home at police headquarters.

Police spokesman Charles Owino found himself in a rather messy situation as protesters festooned his uniform with blood and dragged him to the streets to protest with them. Yes. That. Happened.

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi was at the forefront marshalling protestors as they cried for their plight to be heard.










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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere