Plus Size 1 FM Presenter Finally Seeks Jesus!
There was celebration in heaven last Sunday! My friend tells me whenever a soul turns to Christ some kind of a bash is thrown by angels in upper echelon to celebrate the conversion!
There has been a surge in the number of ‘worldly’ celebrities seeking salvation. Bamboo, Princess Faridah, Size 8, are some of the big names in entertainment industry who turned their lives to the Lord.
The crossover isn’t complete yet! Last Sunday, plus size 1 FM presenter, Naomi Ng’ang’a, officially announced she was the ambassador of Christ.
The presenter-cum-actress was baptized at Nairobi Chapel. For starters, baptism is part of Christianity ritual that symbolizes purification and admission to the Christian Church.
Now that the dazzling presenter is now a ‘full-fledged’ Christian she’s expected to adhere to the ways of the church. Otherwise her actions will give keyboard ninjas something to write about!
Anyhow, Naomi’s dad and friends were present to witness her rebirth. See the photo below: