Platinum Thursdays: The Best Plan For The Night! Changes Is Where It’s At!

Changes has been the de facto plan for a while now and with good reason: they have the best staff -yeah, i said that! They have the best staff in Westlands and some of the best prices you will ever get!

And if price isn’t a concern for you, allow me to tell you that there will alot of fine women at Changes tonight! For some reason, Nairobians believe that Thursday is the new Friday and whenever they step out, they show out!

I’m talking about beautiful, beautiful women! No ratchet women will be seen out tonight and that is a guarantee!


And ladies, trust me when I say that you will be around some of Nairobi’s most eligible bachelors! You will get to mingle with Nairobi’s classiest gentlemen and trust me when I say that I for one will not disappoint. And with Kaytrixx the Entertainer on the wheels of steel, trust me that once you have broken the ice lad, you will get to dance with the lass all night long!

So come down to Changes and have yourself the time of your life!

AAnd ladies, you aren’t being left 

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)