Photos of the petite lass who left Bridget Achieng with bruises and blood spots under the skin
If you think Nairobi Diaries fights are staged then you must have missed the recent episode aired on K24. At first many were not sure whether the petite Serah Molly won the fight she had with Bridget Achieng but after watching the reality show last night, I might as well confirm that indeed Serah walked away as the winner…not that i really care.
Also read: Serah Molly beats up Bridget Achieng like a child while filming Nairobi Diaries (Video)
However, what is more shocking is that Bridget Achieng got her jumpsuit torn and was left with bruises and blood clots on her body after her cat fight with Serah Molly…I mean how did that honestly happen?
Anyway, for the first time Serah Molly proved that she has enough strength to battle her enemies even though she likes to keep profile on the low.
It was pretty much shocking that the two ladies got into a fight over petty issues that sounded like primary school cases. But truth be told, many Kenyans enjoy this show despite calling it fake and staged.
Below are a few photos of the petite lady who managed to beat up Achieng.