PHOTO:Disqualified BBA Rep Nando And His Mom

They say that the apple does not fall far away from the tree and that saying applies to Nando, former Tanzania BBA rep and his mum.Nando has been making girls all over Africa drool over his boyish good looks and we now know where he got his looks from.From his gorgeous mum!

The drooling over Nando was short lived as biggie gave him the boot for his violent tendancies.

Let me give you a quick recap:Nando got the first strike for carrying a concealed weapon to a party,his second strike for engaging in a fight with fellow housemate Elikem and his third strike was for threats against Elikem’s life .He said and I quote  ‘I feel like stabbing him.A Nigga like that deserves to die.His last altercation however  was the final nail to that coffin and biggie disqualified him.

Here is a picture of Nando and his mum.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri