Phoenix Theatres Presents The Critically Acclaimed Wanawake Wa Heri Wa Winsa!

I have heard so much about this play, that I’m stoked that it gets to show again at Phoenix theatres. It went all the way to London if I’m not wrong.

Last week I went to watch Love by Shakespeare, and my what a play that was! It was laden with tear inducing laughter, it had me in stitches for most of the evening. So when I heard that this other play was about to be showcased there, I knew I had to write about it! Love by Shakespeare starred Charles Ouda, Samson Psenjen, Jack Gitonga and Mkamzee Mwatela!

This is the synposis for Wanawake Wa Heri Wa Winsa. “The play is set in Kiambu County in the plush environs of Windsor, Falstaff makes his love and desires know not to one but two married women in identical letters. Upon comparison Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page plot their revenge on Falstaff for being so bold and assuming. The revenge plan unveils itself with almost catastrophic but hilarious consequences. There is strength of some relationships with doubts creeping and some grow ever so stronger as the inhabitants of this small town watch and are a part of the unfolding comical events that surround Falstaff amorous adventures.”

The plays cast reads like the who’s who of the theater world. From Tanzania, Mrisho Mpoto as Falstaff as well as Ogutu Muraya, Neville Misati, Mourad Sadat, Eric Wanyama, Veronica Waceke, Sylvia Namussassi and Kitt Nyang’aya Kiarie. Veronica Waceke happens to star in the new series I just wrote about shot entirely using a mobile phone. Neville Misati if you remember starred as Dela’s love interest in Weche tek. Go watch this play, you will not regret it.

About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)