Petite Socialite Vanessa Chettle Spends The Night In A Cell For Beating Up Prezzo’s Girlfriend (Photo)
Vanessa Chettle spent Tuesday night in the cellars after she was arrested for an alleged assault on fellow Nairobi Diaries cast member and Prezzo’s girlfriend Michelle Oyola.
According Vanessa Chettle she had invited the ladies after shooting for a free session of getting their nails done. She says while there Michelle began directing smack talk towards her and even got to the point of throwing stuff to her. It was at this point that a mini catfight ensued. On Tuesday afternoon she got a knock at her door only to see Michelle, Prezzo at her place.
She was taken to Muthangari Police station where she spent the night and was released yesterday after a cash bail of 4,000. She is set to appear in court on Friday. As expected she has not taken the treatment kindly taking to her Instagram account to thank her followers while lashing out at Michelle and also saying she will not apologize for her actions.