Pain And Gain! Nazizi Stuns The Nation With Her Serena Williams-Like Gymnastics (Photos)
Hip hop First Lady is walking the Conjestina Achieng way. Nazizi has plunged herself into the world of boxing!
Ever since she came into limelight, way back in 2000s, Nazizi has forever maintained a tomboy look. Her weight was dragging her behind from doing ‘manly’ things but now that she disposed off the unnecessary fat, she’s free to conquer the world.
A while back, American’s professional tennis player, Serena Williams stunned the world after she displayed incredible gymnastics skills.
Our very own Nazizi was keenly watching the 33-year-old American with an intention of repeating her feat. And she nailed it!
The celebrated female rapper has joined kickboxing lessons; she’s being trained by Tanzanian rapper Zola D.
Nazizi was has posted several photos showing her practice sessions. One can easily mistake her to retired professional boxer, Conjestina Achieng.