Out With Oliech, Here Is The New Footballer Kenyan Ladies Are In Love With And Call Him A ‘Kenyan Alejandro'(Photo)

For so long while the rugby team enjoyed a number of men who drove women crazy the football team could only rely on Dennis Oliech.

Even then, Oliech was famed and adored by lady fans more for his money and bad boy image than looks. Then came Taiwo Atieno but his spell was short lived. As rugby continued to attract droves of ladies staring after the men, football missed out but now, there fisilets are celebrating a new target.

Fisilets are crawling around and thirsting at the new recruit to the team who just made his debut for the team in a recent game against Sudan.Ismael Athuman Gonzalez  is a Kenyan player based in Spain playing in the second division. He was born to a Kenyan father and a Spanish mother.

His debut brought with it numerous admirers and now the fisilets cannot stop talking about their Kenyan ‘Alejandro’. Here is the photo of Ismael


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu