Old Mzungu Sponsor Makes A Scene At The Airport After His Kenyan Chick Mistakenly Exposed His Face While Taking Selfie (Video)

Sponsors don’t like their faces being caught on cameras, a Kenyan girl mistakenly exposed her sponsor’s face while taking a selfie.

An old white sponsor scored himself two hot Kenyan chicks that he decided to fly to Rwanda for nights of debauchery.

The girls wanted to make sure their Instagram fans knew they were flying out of the country so they decided to capture the moment on camera.

One of the chicks was busy taking selfies the moment they landed in Rwanda while the other was keeping the mzungu company as they walked together holding hands.

The camera mistakenly caught the face of the mzungu sponsor and he decided to rant. He protested bitterly asking the girl to stop the recording.

Watch the video below to see what happened:

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere