Octopizzo Selected to Compose this Year’s World Cup Anthem
Only 32 nations make it to play in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, but the whole world can participate and that’s why Octopizzo will be representing Kenya, in a big way.
The official FIFA song, “We Are One (Ole Ola)” which teams Pitbull with Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte tells the world to “put your flags up in the sky” and embrace the worldwide party that the World Cup is bound to be.
Octopizzo, Lady Jay Dee and Brazilian-American ‘X Factor’ Finalist, David Correy, have been selected by Coca Cola (official sponsors of World Cup) to come up with a non-official anthem alongside the the official 2014 FIFA World Cup anthem, which was released Monday.
After revealing the news, Octo posted;
“Whatever beginning goals you set for yourself, following through on them will build momentum and a sense of achievement and those small success will point the way to bigger ones,Content Isn’t King, It’s the Kingdom.”
World Cup kicks off on June 12.