Now,This Is The Type Of Song That Makes Kenyans Prefer Nigerian Music. And It’s Done By Superstars! Shame!!!

Couple weeks ago,some disgruntled Kenyan artists decided to storm the Nation Media premises in a protest that attracted international attention. Their gripe was simple ; We need more local music played locally. And this whole Naija /American crap should be scrapped off our airwaves.

Well,they had a point. A superficial one,though.

We Will NOT just wake up and subscribe to music just because it’s merely Kenyan. Music has to have more to it than just ‘national identity’. Music has to be superbly produced,Music has to have a concrete message,music has to have outstanding lyricism and music has to evoke emotions and stir a moment. And it doesn’t matter what sort of music it is; it has to have all those ingredients. And more.

But locally,we’re stuck with such horrendous music producers,such pathetic songwriters,such disastrous composers and such dreary singers/rappers that we cannot help but play FOREIGN MUSIC.

We’d totally love to play our own material only if it was produced to international standards and written and sang by people who were NOT some random drug-fuelled school dropouts. But sadly,we’re stuck with such rubbishy artists that we have to sneak and seek solace in some more mature,professional music.

And to show you just what a bunch of helpless musicians we really are,even our superstars cannot do any better.

Have you heard a chance to listen to some ‘song’ calling itself ‘Ugali’? Maybe yes. Maybe No.

If you’ve had the misfortune of having to listen to it,my apologies. If you’ve NOT listened to it yet,kindly stay away. You don’t deserve the mental torture and audio anguish.

I would have NOT even bothered doing this article if that song was recorded by some struggling start-ups in Eldama Ravine. I would have totally understood their struggle and why they had to write something so dubious,senseless and substandard and STILL record it.

But ‘Ugali’ was done by,wait for it,Rabbit,Frasha and Kristoff. Yup,the same three chaps who brought you that other moronic single ‘Dandia Kama Mathree’. We forgave them for that Dandia joke of a song. Even when it was clear that this was really a serious low for Kenyan Music. Heck,we even overplayed that Dandia thing and made it a national hit. For lack of something better to play. Or dance our drunk selves lame to.

And after we massaged their egos and made them believe they were the next pop stars,they decided to take it a notch lower. And boy,what a mess!

I’ve NEVER even had time for Kristoff. Never! I will say I have been a huge fan of Frasha and his whole P-Unit crew. And have even said it before. I will say that Rabbit had been exemplary. And I think he’s one of the best rappers in Kenya.

But what makes Kenyan superstars do something so bad?? What’s this whole Ugali business? Were there NO better song titles?

It gets worse… The chorus is a dry,plain joke. And the verses are hell too. Dumb,idiotic,downright stupid and dangerously juvenile.


The whole song is a mistake; It lacks direction,lacks purpose and lacks entertainment. Even buffoons wouldn’t find anything worth listening to in that whole jarring musical mess. It’s an insult on our intelligence and a seriously horrendous piece of work. It’s one month away from becoming a National shame.

Listen up,Rabbit and your little,uncreative crew… You are some of Kenya’s BEST artists. Some of Kenya’s Best rappers. And some of Kenya’s most visible musical stars.

You are known and famous and influential and mainstream… And that’s why,songs like Ugali Should NEVER come of your mouths!

Rabbit,you are expected to be Kenya’s Sarkodie. Or Ice Prince. Frasha you are expected to be Kenya’s Phyno. And Kristoff you could be Kenya’s Naeto C. Or M. I. Or Khuli Chana…. AKA.

You all should be striving to be Kenya’s answer to this huge,huge African rappers. Who,sadly DON’T rap nonsense. And pass it off as music!


You are largely the reason we don’t want to play our own music! You cannot record such cheap songs with such tatty lines and such trashy titles and expect that we will flock on the floor and cheer you on.

You cannot insult the intelligence of 10Million+ music living Kenyans and then rush your little uncreative assess around town calling for ‘More Kenyan airplay’. Rubbish!

Newsflash: some of us actually went to school. And some of us are actually smart enough to tell actual music from drunken garbage.

You’re superstars! The last thing you need to be is dumb! Or lazy! We’re sitting here rooting for you,cheering you on and standing up for you and then all we get is Ugali??!!

You all make too much money,Go ahead and hire songwriters! Seek ideas! Take your time and craft something worthwhile. Something fresh and something that will NOT just entertain a couple drunk,sweaty bimbos in downtown Nairobi.

You’re the reason the 70% rule may NEVER be implemented.


You actually jacked a South-African beat! We expected better. We expected music. We expected something in the lines of ‘Khona’ or even better ” Tchelete ‘.

But still,all of you are a gross disappointment. And a blatant failure.

‘ Tunasonga Kama Ugali ‘ is NOT even a verse. And it should NEVER be regarded as one.

Even Ikolomani school dropout posho mill employees can do better!

And to make matters even worse,somehow,you even gave us a lyric video! For what!!? You don’t do something so historically bad and wash it down with a lyric video!!

We didn’t need it. We never will.

Such songs are an assault. And no matter how many protests we do,or how many Aljazeera talk shows we hold about KE music,the point will always remain ; We are NOT going to play music just because it was recorded by some imbecile whose president is Uhuru Kenyatta.

It has to be actual music! Or we stay with our Wizkids and our Davidos and our Diamonds.

You will see them yapping and yodeling,’STOP PLAYING TOO MUCH DIAMOND PLATNUMZ… ‘

But would you rather listen to something as beautiful and melodious as‘ Ntampata Wapi’ or stuff as terrible and awful as ‘Tunasonga Ka Ugali’?

Oh Lord of mercy!

Even the YouTube comments agree with me. Only clowns should release such ‘songs’.

And to hear them calling themselves ‘King’. Oh Please! King Of What? Bullshit?!!

Boss,if you’re going to use a bombastic South African beat in your song,make it worth the hassle. Don’t spit on the beat. Or piss on it. Like these three musketeers just did.

Lord,Shikow Femione is signed to your label! Ask her to write songs for you! 


Utter disgrace!

Check out the ‘song’ here. And please leave a comment on Youtube. We MUST educate these jokers.


About this writer:

Cabu Gah