No More Bromance! BFF Larry Madowo And Boniface Mwangi Clash Over Bien’s Step Mother

NTV’s Larry Madowo has fallen out with one of his best friends, Boniface Mwangi, over a trivial issue involving Nancy Baraza.

Larry Madowo and Boniface Mwangi’s bromance came to light last January when they lost their friend James Quest.

Larry, Boniface and the deceased were part of a group dubbed ‘Mwanaume Ni Kujichocha’ which was all about men’s stuff.

Also Read: Larry Madowo And Boniface Mwangi Bury Their Colleague Who Was Killed On Waiyaki Way Last Week

Anyway, Larry clashed with Boniface a fortnight ago but the former only talked about his beef with the latter today.

Former Deputy Chief Justice, Nancy Baraza, is the reason why the two buddies clashed. Larry found fault with Boniface’s statement following his interview with Ms. Baraza.

Boniface’s tweet rubbed Larry the wrong way prompting him to talk about it on his column on Daily Nation.

“She returned to public scrutiny two Saturdays ago when she sat down with me for a lengthy tell-all interview. As soon as we announced the sit-down, the schadenfreude kicked in.“Baraza speaks three years after she was fired for threatening a guard with a gun and later tried to bribe her is now playing victim,” tweeted activist Boniface Mwangi. That statement is problematic in multiple ways, without even considering the several inaccuracies he is passing off as fact. She was not fired, she resigned and she denied ever threatening Rebeccah Kerubo with a gun, or even attempting to bribe her.” Larry Madowo wrote in part.

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere