Njoki Chege Will Slaughter This Gospel Singer Over The Moti He Drives (Photos)

The fierce Daily Nation columnist has unrivaled appetite for smacking owners of a particular model of a Japanese made vehicle. And a popular gospel singer was spotted flaunting one.

Njoki Chege is now synonymous with Subarus, not for a good reason of course. The journalist loathes Subaru owners with the same magnitude vampires hate sunlight.

The vicious feminist has for a number of times churned out her untreatable venom on blue Subaru owners. What Subarus or their owners did to her, she knows best.

Flourishing gospel singer, L Jay Maasai, was seen flaunting a classy moti he probably owns. The car was the type model Njoki Chege loves to hate.

The singing moran was showing a Subaru. Lucky it wasn’t blue in color. Forget Njoki’s abhorrence, Sabarus are very nice automobiles.


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Martin Oduor

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