Nick Mutuma’s ex-girlfriend Bridget Shigadi linked to a grand scheme which has cost innocent Kenyans millions of shillings
Nick Mutuma’s ex-girlfriend is currently trending on hot ground and this is after she was linked to a grand mega scheme that is simple homes.
The firm which was launched in 2015 shot to the limelight with their seemingly affordable home ownership plan.
According to the plan, prospective buyers would co-own their houses with a Sacco created by the property firm. They would not be charged interest but instead, would co-own the houses until they fully paid for them, an exercise that would in some cases stretch to 40 years!
Quite the catch until recently when their Facebook page disappeared mysteriously, then their website and finally their phone contacts which were no longer being answered.

Right and then, it crystal clear that Simple Homes was nothing but a grand scam.
“On 29/11/2016 I paid them Ksh 2,500/- through NIC bank and got a receipt. I did make another second payment on the 3/12/2016 Kshs 19,000/-via Mpesa. I also made another payment through NIC bank again on 9/12/2016 Kshs 151,000/-. The contact person I was dealing with is Beryne her mobile number 0732783455. It reached a time she stopped picking my calls yet she “promised” to take me to view the grounds where the premises were being put up. I am tired of the cat and mouse game. Recently they sent me an email saying or stating that I am a member with a membership I.d number 2016 /12/HPP/008834, that was on the 13/02/2017. I requested for my refund but my email address could not recognize their email address. I kindly need my money back. I need 172,500/- in total.” A beneficiary of their scheme recently posted while crying foul.
Now somehow Bridget Shigadi has found herself in the middle of this pandemonium being at the forefront of their advertisement team. She alongside Jennifer Ciku, Miss Tourism Muranga County were featured in their many advertisements especially on Facebook and YouTube which apparently has also disappeared and now some of the victims having bombarding them with tough questions of where their money went.
Bridget Shigadi has however come out to defend herself claiming that she was also conned. “No, I am no longer part of Simple Homes. We had a deal and they did not honor it. In fact, I am also a victim of their scheme,” said Shighadi in an interview.