Dear Teenage Girls- Part1
Image: Source: Google ImagesHe will leave you!
Dear Teenage Girls,
He will leave you!
You see that boy? The one that swears he loves you, he’s lying! He doesn’t even know what love is. It’s not his fault, don’t blame him please, he’s naive too, just like you, he’s still a boy.
All adults passed through this stage, they saw life through rose coloured glasses; life was beautiful. Then they found a bigger glass, a bigger cup to drink, who would have imagined? This cup is blur, this cup keeps expanding, this cup is our life.
They were so in love, they said they were never going to part because we said forever but forever came so quick and they were not ready but reality is always ready.
So you are 16 and having sex, you think you are a big girl and that’s what big girls do, I hope you won’t be 16 and pregnant. I hope you don’t grow old before you grow up. You may think everybody is doing it but trust me, not everybody is unfortunate. You are a unique breed, you are fortunate and for every action you take in life, there is a reaction. For sex, you might be so fortunate to get a reaction. The reaction lasts for nine months.
…So you want to be like the big girl across your street? But can you just keep calm? It took her years to be where she is. You might not want to imagine what she goes through to be herself. I know you are strong but please take your time to build your strength, you can only be stronger. You will get there.
He will find bigger dreams too, he will meet people, I hope he remembers you. He is just a boy, he is curious, he wants to do things, you want to experiment too, you are his lab-rat, his specimen, you are at the loosing end. Don’t let them fool you with men and women were created equal, that is not very practical; both sexes are unique, in our uniqueness as women, nature is not very fair to us: you will suffer more for a mistake you both made.
He will grow up and he will leave you. You will be dented for ever. That is life, it owes you nothing. He has to live his life. He’s a man.
I know you can read, I hope you will understand.
Educate the teenagers you love. Have a lovely weekend from all of us at Ghafla.