Toni Tones tells Skuki to mind his business and stop policing women about

Toni Tones tells Skuki to mind his business and stop policing women about

To singer Skuki, any woman who calls herself a king is weak. To him, a Queen is good for a woman because it denotes power and composure. Well, Nollywood actress, Toni Tones doesn’t buy his thoughts. She openly told him to mind his business and stop policing women. In her words, women can call themselves anything they want.

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Stop policing women and telling them what to call themselves- Toni Tones tells Skuki who says women that call themselves King are weak

Stop policing women and telling them what to call themselves- Toni Tones tells Skuki who says women that call themselves King are weak

Singer Skuki replied her with other critics. He wrote:

Replying to my last post about ‘WOMEN WHO CALL THEMSELVES KINGS’ some people commented:
COMMENT 1: If a woman has been through hell, and she feels she has completed a masculine feat, then she is free to call herself KING”
MY RESPONSE: The fact that you feel you must compare your STRENGTH to that of a man, before it can be SEEN as ‘strength’ shows your lack of faith in your feminine powers
With this contradicting-mentality, you BETRAY your gender, more than you stand for it.
COMMENT 2: Some men call themselves lions, just to show they are strong. So there’s nothing wrong with a woman calling herself KING, just to show she’s strong
MY RESPONSE: As a man it’s flattering that you compare yourself to us, just to feel strong. Thank you!
But I hope you know with your statement, you have totally de-valued the unique strength of QUEENS
I don’t know who did this to you, but this way-of-thinking, oozes of inferiority complex.
When a man describes himself as a lion, he speaks STRICTLY in terms of physical strength, and in that case he AGREES that the lion is ONLY physically-stronger.
So are you saying you agree that men are more powerful than women?
What are you representing exactly?
You want EQUALITY OF THE SEXES to be a reality, yet you’re denouncing your reality as a woman, to fight for the reality-of-women ??‍????‍??
Maybe you don’t realize it, but YOU HAVE DECAMPED!… lol.
You have simply joined the men, and now YOU’RE FIGHTING WOMANHOOD


About this writer:

Abisola Mohammed

Abisola Mohammed is a creative artist with interest in the Arts.  She currently  writes for Ghafla Nigeria.