5 simple ways to make a woman happy this friday

Everything in this world will be a lot easier if all women are happy.  Believe it or not, a happy woman makes not only a great home but a great nation also. So how do you make your woman happy? Do you make her happy daily, weekly, monthly or yearly?

We say Thank God its Friday because a Friday signifies a lot of things. Most best steps are taken on a Friday. So, these are 5 simple ways to take a step at making your woman happy today.

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1.Describe how much you love her

Image result for An image of I love you

It’s not a about telling someone you love them, but describing the way you love them. Of course, you might not have everyday to say this, but a Friday is just a perfect day for it. Imagine a Friday morning call,ending with “I will always want to be with you”, or, “Hello Baby, I had a stomach ache overnight and all I could think of is your menstrual cramps. Although, you have not used the word I love you, but you have described your love for her.

2.Ask about her week

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After describing your love, go on and ask about her week.  Remind her of things she has said previously, so that she knows you are a listener. Ask about her annoying colleague, her test or her training. Avoid talking about yourself, make her the center of focus.

3.Plan an Outing

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So many relationships fail because there is no outdoor activity. The only time you get to see is at each others place. Excuses like, I can’t afford a date, I understand that you are broke, Am an indoor person, Am too busy for that” all leads to breakup. A lady might not argue with you not taking dates, but be sure she wants it. Men do not need to rob a bank to go on dates, there are lots of places to visit at little or no cost , all you need is a planning.

4.Ask her for a Image result for image of a gift boxgif


Women feel better knowing they can give to a guy, it’s a reverse law. As much as they want a guy to be giving of love, affection, money,gifts, appreciation and all others, they are always happy if they can give their man things too. Ask a woman to be by your side, tell her you need a perfume or ask her to call your Mum. like gifts, they can be asked for.

5.Don’t Dump her

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Of all things, please don’t dump a woman on a Friday because it stays longer in memory e.g “Tell me about your ex”, “oh, the sonofabitch ruined my weekend, I was just leaving work”. If you are going to dump her, a Saturday or Tuesday is most preferred.



About this writer:

Abisola Mohammed

Abisola Mohammed is a creative artist with interest in the Arts.  She currently  writes for Ghafla Nigeria.