American man advises intelligent Nigerians to get out of the country if they want to move ahead

American man says Nigerians should move out of their country

An American man has advised intelligent Nigerians to get out of the country if they want to get ahead in life. He said in his interview that:

“Everything that I’ve ever heard about Nigeria… If you don’t open your pocket and pay off everyone, from the lowest to the highest, you don’t get anything done.

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And I’ve read Nigerian artists, I mean writers, and they all seem to say that.

Also, now in Nigeria, if you are an intelligent Nigerian, you need to get out of that country if you want to get ahead. Because the powers that be there want to hold everybody down, especially women and especially intelligent people.”

ALSO READ: Singer Simi faults Nigerian governments 

About this writer:

Abisola Mohammed

Abisola Mohammed is a creative artist with interest in the Arts.  She currently  writes for Ghafla Nigeria.