Neema Ntalel, Sarabi, Juliani And Makadem Thrill At The Nai Ni Who Gig! (Photos)

Nai ni who launched in style on Saturday and below are some of the images from the concert!

Nai Ya Who? Festival To Take Nairobi By Storm!

Among the performers were Sarabi, Neema Ntalel, Juliani and Makade. I have never been to a concert with as much intoxicating energy as this one. That line up wa sout of this world and although I had to leave just before Makadem took to the stage, I still went satisfied! It was my first time to see Neema on stage even though she’s one of my all time favorite female vocalists. Sarabi Sarabi Sarabi! These guys beed to blow up already, oh my good Lord! The Emcee of the day was vocalist Anto Neosoul who did a stellar job. I can’t wait for Godown Gig! All photographs courtesy of The Nai Ni Who Facebook page. Read about this festival here.


About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)