NAKURU 7S: The Game,The Girls,The Fun,The Party,Police Battles,Tear Gas And A Dead Girl In The Car….(PART TWO)

It’s Sunday. I don’t know how I slept. And can’t quite remember where. My face is still painted in the national flag colors. My white t-shirt is a mess. My bling is broken. Nick passed out at the hotel lobby. Omosh’s phone is off. Sam is in the shower. Can’t tell where Bella is. And I’m dying for breakfast.

Tired and beat,I venture out to try and tafuta chakula in this ratchet city. Before long,I stumble into a some joint selling some Chai and mayai and Kuku fry and blah blah blah.

‘Cabu Gah uko!!? ‘ Tonny asks me on the phone.

He meets me up at the ka-place where I am now thoroughly hangoverd. There’s a glass of hot milk in front of me. Some two scrambled eggs. And a samosa.

‘Boss unakulaje peke yako!??’ Tonny admonishes.

‘Nawaamsha hamuamki. Nawapigia hamchukui…. ‘

I don’t think am going to take this maziwa. It’s either too hot or unpleasant. To hell with this mayai too. But I munch into the samosa. And order for another one.

Bella calls. I tell her where to meet me. And she shows up some half an hour later. With Nick by her side. And they both look like they’ve survived a typhoon.

Infact,Bella looks so disheveled,she looks like she’s just escaped an ISIS terror camp.

‘Unajua tulilala kwa gari!!? Aki nyinyi ni wabaya! ‘Bella starts. It’s gonna be a long day. I guess…

Nick orders for some Ugali and chicken. More and more fellows-their red-eyed girls in tow-keep walking into the hotel. There’s too many hungry youths here…

Tonny reminds me of last night’s Madness… He reminds me that Wambui got lost. Reminds me that I had a serious verbal fight with some jamaas at the Rafikiz after party. Reminds me,chini ya maji,that Nick banged Bella. Reminds me that Stella was making out with some other tu-girls in the Volvo. And also reminds me that Omosh got thrown out from the same after party after he’d had one too much.

He also reminds me that we left Rafikiz for Platinum 7D and that Kevatin,a.k.a Shaniqwa,drove us to Platinum.

He reminds me that at Platinum,some girls went wild after seeing Shaniqwa,and the madness got so bad that they had to be carted away from the packed entrance as they were causing too much commotion what with their selfies and general drunk groupie behavior.

At Platinum,a lot happened. A whole whole lot happened.

Tonny took me back to the moment we walked into Platinum 7D…The Dancefloor was packed to capacity,you wouldn’t move an inch. Or move a leg. All chairs were taken. All corners occupied. The waiters were so busy you needed at least 45 minutes plus to get served. Or even looked at. The DJ is a devil. He’s massacring the place. And driving the place wild. The girls? Heavenly.

After the breakfast,we leave. I don’t have my wallet. Someone’s gotta pay that bill. Bella doesn’t have hers either. Nick has passed out on the restaurant table. And Tonny is still talking…

Inside the packed stadium,the game went on. And on. Thousands of rugby lovers were seated all around the Stadium. There were tens of tents too… In which you could buy bitings and food and booze and Shisha.

It’s 1pm. And someone has just bought Shisha.

The game is going on… The crowds,ecstatic and buoyant,are cheering on,the girls are buried deep in their selfie game,the jamaaz are too wasted,the mood is euphoric,the players are going hard and the Stadium is alive.

Somehow,I need to look for Wambui who,since morning,has not called. And her phone isn’t even going through. Sam takes me out to hunt for this girl…

Along the road that leads to the magnificent Hotel Cathay,there are tens of cars and tens of youths sitting in the cars,standing around the cars,sitting on the car bonnets and in the open boots,with their pricey drinks placed ostentatiously atop their cars.

If they are not sitting or hanging around their cars,others are walking up and down the street,holding hands,dancing along to their car music,beer can in hand and generally having a blast.


As I was walking up to Hotel Cathay,I saw crowds running around. I didn’t quite know what was up… ‘Ni Nini!?’ Sam asks some guys running past us.

‘Makarao! Makarao! Huoni… ‘

We looked up the street and saw a Police Van,full of police officers,been driven down the street…

Commotion started. Youths started scampering. And people started diving into their cars. And locking themselves in. Car boots were banged down. Youths sprang from their car bonnets. And girls,confused,started calling for their Boyfriends.

Just a couple meters past Hotel Cathay,the van stopped and two police men hopped out. And then DRAMA started.

With their guns held tight and their mission in place,the officers crossed the street and went for some tall guy (Jim) who was INNOCENTLY standing by a black Toyota Auris. He was talking to a friend. And was holding a beer can.

The police,throwing everything into disarray,went to arrest Jim. Jim furiously resisted arrest. And yanked his hand off the hands of the police.

They went for him again. He resisted and jumped back. Taunting them and making it clear that HE WAS INNOCENT and demanded to be told what his crime was.

It later turned out that the Nakuru Administration Police were haphazardly arresting youths just because they were walking around holding a beer can. Yes,arrested for holding a beer can!

‘Kijana unakunywa pombe in public!!? ‘Jim was asked by the leader of the police crew.’ Kwani ni hatia!!? Si hatia! Ni makosa gani nimefanya!!?! ‘Jim shot back standing at a decent distance from the cops.


‘Hamuwezi kunishikia Bure!’ Jim angrily growled at them.

Chaos erupted. Youths started chanting. Beer cans were thrown around. People started yelling and screaming and jeering at the Police. And car horns started hooting loudly and incessantly. Others even started charging forward. Chanting and growling.

Humiliated and sensing defeat,the police retreated. And in another minute,a loud bang was heard. And tear gas blew up allover the place. Down the whole Street,the whole place was covered in fetid fumes. More bangs were heard. And then I saw a police woman,probably in her mid-twenties,jump down from the Police Van,crouch and,her gun aimed to the sky,shoot a powerful teargas canister that tore through the sky and blasted onto crowds.

There was a messy stampede. People fell over each other. Cars were banged shut. And the whole atmosphere was covered in a thick toxic gray gas. It hit hard.. And soon as it died down,the police van drove off…

Even before thirty minutes were over,the van was BACK! This time,with more reinforcement and more armored cops. Shit was about to go down.

People gathered in protest and yelled at the cops,’Kujeni Nairobi tuwaonyeshe! Kujeni Nairobi tuwanyoroshe! ‘

The van stopped. And then a burly officer,dressed in full combat uniform,who I assumed was the commander,stepped down and defiantly walked down the street. Car to car. Bus to bus.

‘Ondoeni hii magari hapa! I’ve given you 5 minutes muondoe hii magari hapa ama mutakipata! ‘

He went car to car.’Nimesema hii magari iondolewe hapa! You have less than 5 minutes!’

Across the road,there was a huge,glitzy pimped out bus christened ‘Wayne The Carter’ and there was a group of around 6 people sitting on its roof.

‘Shukeni chini! Na hii bus itolewe hapa! ‘they were commanded.’ Mtashuka ama hamtashuka!? ‘

They defied the police orders and stayed put. Drinking and defiantly staring down at the Commander.

Orders were made. And in less than 15 seconds,more blasts tore through the air. And teargas canisters were launched onto the bus. The youths fell over… Stumbled over each other and climbed down the bus cursing and jeering. Eyes watery and their noses running.

Cars were driven off in a huff… And stones and beer cans were thrown around. Other youths now parked their car across the road. And it got messier. And messier.

A poor girl who couldn’t stomach the intoxicating effects of the powerful gas caused a scene…Out of the blue,she fell and started foaming in the mouth and screaming. Her pals carried her and took her to some location in an attempt to help revive her. She started crying and her nose was running hard. She was having trouble breathing too and was panting hard. Her face was flush red. And she couldn’t walk. Quickly,water bottles were bought and she was doused in endless streams of water. Her friends cursed the Police hard. As they put the girl down to catch some breathe….

Rains have started. I haven’t traced Wambui. I am hungry. I am sober. I am angry. And I want to riot.


After the police madness,I called my crew. And it was time to leave.

Traffic wasn’t so insane. But at some point,it got so bad we had to use the Mai Mahiu road. And drive through such a rough,rugged road we never thought our cars would survive after that.

At around Kimende,we were caught up in another traffic.

Piles and piles of cars could be seen from as furthest as the eye could see.

And from a distance,you could hear muffled screams and shouts and chants.

It’s 8.46pm at night. And it doesn’t look like we’re ever getting home.

We Park our cars and walk out to pee and survey the situation.

Many people have parked their cars too. There are crowds all around the road.

‘Ni Nini kinaendelea!? ‘Omosh asked.

‘Ni msichana ameuliwa. Amekanyangwa na matatu akakufa hapo hapo….’ some local guy told us.

We walked a dozen meters upto where the noises weee coming from. And we met a crowd of about a hundred angry locals staging a protest.

The road to Nairobi had been blocked off. And huge boulders had been placed all across the road. A bus had been packed across the road too. And there were stones allover.

People were yelling and shouting and the scene was warlike and scary.

‘Hako kasichana kamegongwa Kako wapi!? ‘

‘Pale kwa ile matatu. Ako hapo ndani…’

We walked over to the matatu. And saw a huge crowd gathered around the matatu. They were all peering into it. It was dark so people had put the torchlights on their phones on..

I struggled getting closer. And closer. To peer at the girl too. And somehow,I managed to be quite close to the window. I put on my phone light too and peeped into the matatu. Crowds were jostling and screaming.

Looking inside,I saw a beautiful girl… Probably 14 or 15 years old,propped up in a sitting position in the matatu. Her belly was badly swollen. And it was getting bigger and bigger. The left side of her face had been blown off. Her neck was covered in dry blood. And her legs were swollen too. Her head was bowed. And her hands stiff across the seats.

People gasped and murmured slowly.

This girl had just been killed by a speeding matatu from Nakuru. And she was sitting in the same matatu that killed her.

It took us a whole hour to even find our way from the horrible horrible macabre mess…

I walked into our car. And didn’t want to talk. Or stay awake again. I slumped into my seat. And became totally disturbed by what I had just seen.

R.I.P Strange Girl.

(Click Next Page For More Photos)













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About this writer:

Cabu Gah