Mzungu Man Arrested For Stealing 42M And Whom His Family Thought Died 30 Years Ago Calls His New Zealand Family After 2 Attempts Were Made On His Life By Fellow Inmate At Kisii Prison (Photos)
The mzungu was rotting in a Kenyan prison but thanks to two attempts on his life the world got to know about him!
56-year-old New Zealand national, Francis Edward Strange, became a global sensation after his story was highlighted.
Edward was arrested and charged for allegedly stealing Kes 42 million in equipment and gold from Mboe Sambu mining company in Kilgoris, Narok County.
The New Zealander was arrested in Nairobi in January last year and later transferred to Kisii to face charges.
Edward was sent to Kisii Prison after the presiding magistrate on his case slapped him with a bail of Kes 1 million cash which he failed to pay.
He spent five and a half months in prison. His stay in Kisii Prison was however not smooth as a convict incarcerated for the murder of his father, made two attempts on his life.
The convict attempted to rip out his throat in two separate occasions; it was the second attack that turned out to be a major determinant to Edward’s release from prison.
He refused to be cleaned up and treated unless the attack was reported to the police. His injuries were photographed and somehow the photos surfaced online.
They went viral on the internet and soon the British and New Zealand governments pilled pressure that resulted to Edward’s release.
Edward who hadn’t contacted his family back in New Zealand for 30 years, called his mother to talk about his case and his prison stay.
The family who all along thought he was dead, couldn’t believe he was alive. They thought he was a scam but after being grilled by his brother, they confirmed he was indeed the real Francis Edward Strange.
Edward isn’t going home just yet, authorities have confisticated his passport until his case is determined by the courts.
Credit: The Star, Daily Mail