MP Stuns Parliament With His Message To Nyeri Women After The Chopping Fiasco
Nyeri County has been in the headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. In less than a week, two men are the subject of discussion all over the republic after their wives chopped off their genitals.
The two incidences have badly portrayed how men are suffering in their homes at the hands of their sweethearts.
This has prompted a heated discussion across the country, with many castigating the unnatural acts portrayed by this perverted women who find ‘solace’ in hurting their men below their belts.
The latest to condemn the unfortunate happenings is Igembe South MP Mithika Lintuli. Speaking in parliament, Lintuli wondered why women are chopping off their men’s genitals when it is something they enjoy every time.
His words were full of humour but at the end of the day the message was home.
Listen to this audio of the MP stunning parliament with his words:
Audio courtesy: Capital FM