Mike Sonko Reveals How It Is Like Being An Ordinary Citizen

Mike Sonko recently relinquished his seat as the Nairobi County Senator after he was adversely mentioned in the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) list of shame that contained the names of top government officials and politicians implicated for corruption.

Sonko had previously, before the list was released, been seen urging those implicated with corruption to step aside to pave way for investigations into the ordeal.

His counterpart Nairobi County Governor Dr. Evans Kidero was his reference point. Kidero himself is in the list.

And now days after stepping aside as senator, a concerned Kenyan has posed a question to the flamboyant and flashy politician, asking him how it feels being an ordinary Mwananchi.

Through his twitter account, Sonko retweeted the question and responded saying that he feels so good.


Is Sonko sincere or he is implying that being a leader is something one should not admire? How good is it being an ordinary citizen?

About this writer:

Edward Chweya