Meet The Leading Lady In Bonoko’s Life: And They Are French Kissing (PHOTO)

Bonoko’s story is the stuff that makes Oscar Award winning biopics. The lad was a street urchin in Ngara, an area known to be particularly tough what with all the thieves, vagabonds, running skirmishes between city council askaris and prostitutes.

He was interviewed as an interview by Capital FM and we all laughed at his accent and how he struggled to articulate himself -understandable because he was high on glue- and a song was even made with his statement about the shooting that had occurred.

As we were all laughing Mbusii-deh heard the voice of a “sufferer”. Someone who could represent the streets in it’s most grittiest. He became an instant star and the pair went on to conquer the airwaves.

That was then. Now, he has taken to Facebook to introduce his sweetheart. And what’s more, they are kissing. And what’s even deeper other than the tongues is that they are French kissing. Check them out below:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)